How else do you begin a Christmas Blog when you actually experience a White Christmas? It truly was a Hallmark Christmas in the East Tennessee Mountains and it could have only been topped off by having all of our kids home. Two of the three were able to come visit, while one was stuck in Ohio because of his job and travel restrictions.
Oh yeah.... and we also did some work at Mecca Camp Resort this past week.

Christmas Dinners
As we have been telling everyone in recent Blogs, we were extremely happy to be able to provide Christmas Dinners to several families in the Tellico Plains area. The reception was incredible and we were able to distribute all of our dinners on the 23rd and 24th. We were so happy to be able to give back to the community that has been so welcoming to us.

Christmas Celebration
After the Christmas Dinner distribution, we started the holiday weekend with the kids flying into Atlanta to celebrate with us and my parents. We began the weekend by frying a Turkey on Christmas Eve and participating in candlelight services online, while Zooming our son from Cleveland, OH. We awoke Christmas morning to the most beautiful White Christmas we have experienced in many years!

Gatlinburg Adventure
Well.... if COVID is actually a thing, someone might want to let the Gatlinburg community know. On the day after Christmas, we decided to venture into the Great Smokey Mountains for some Christmas lights and festivities. We probably should have known better, but an hour and a half drive turned into three hours, thanks to traffic and the snow-covered streets. Gatlinburg was packed shoulder to shoulder with people and wait times at restaurants were 2+ hours. Every store was packed, and the wait to go on the Skywalk was pushing 2 hours long.
The number of people was a bit daunting for us, but the travel experience there was amazing, as we took a non-tradition route through mountains and the scenery was beautiful!

Mecca Camp Resort Activities
This past week was a fairly slow week given the weather, but we used the opportunity to work through the design of our bathhouse and are happy to announce that construction will begin after the first of the year. A section of our kennel space will be converted into 3 men's restrooms, 3 women's restrooms and 3 showers, along with one laundry facility. Work will begin on this effort immediately after the beginning of the year as our designer finalizes the Master Plan for submission to the Monroe County Planning Commission for approvals.
Additionally, while we work to finalize the Master Plan in January, we will be filing our building and septic permits, while also taking bids on the excavation work that will quickly approach. Our January will be chalked full of activity, that's for sure!
Next week we will spend time with family in Nebraska and will be traveling. It will be a light week for activity, but one which will still produce a weekly update. From our family to yours, we hope you had a very Blessed and Merry Christmas. We wish everyone a Safe and Happy New Year. We look forward to hosting you at Mecca Camp Resort in 2021.
Chris & Julia Jones
Mecca Camp Resort
