Julia and I have always been avid campers and over the years have transitioned from tent camping to a travel trailer to a 5th wheel and loved every minute of it. We have enjoyed every stop along the way. However, throughout our years of camping and experiencing what other parks have to offer we always said to ourselves... that was nice, this could be better, we would do this, etc. As a result...
Guess What: We're gonna build an RV Resort!
In observance of our own adventurous spirit, that could never mean the path to least resistance. It means leaving the finer enjoyments in life back in the Washington DC area! We have raised our children, we are young empty nesters and we have picked up all we have known in order to live in a small town in the Tennessee mountains and BUILD AN RV RESORT.
The excitement is surreal, but the work ahead is daunting! In less than 2 weeks of commercial property ownership, we are just now getting connected to things we took for granted while living close to a major city.
Air Conditioning, Hot Water and High Speed Internet have all been a challenge thus far. But one-by-one, we are breaking down those barriers. We will soon engage with an engineering firm to assist in the design and development of our dream in the mountains!
We offer this Blog as our method of sharing our adventure to Campground Ownership. There will be ups and downs, roadblocks to overcome, but if there were ever two people happy and crazy enough to take on this adventure, it is US.
Please join us as we post a weekly progress of our adventure!
May God Bless your Family and ours as we tackle this adventure! From our family to yours, we look forward to seeing you soon at the Mecca Camp Resort in Tellico Plains, TN.
WE ARE NOW OPEN for boon-docking! Cold Ice and Firewood Available for All!
Please feel free to contact us at 423-253-3513 or send us a message on chat and let us know when you would like to visit!
From Your Friends In The Smokey Mountains... Chris & Julia Jones!
We Can't Wait To See Ya!

Congratulations Chris & Julia! I’m so happy that your dreams are becoming real!